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NordicEpi 2024

11th Nordic Conference of Epidemiology and Register-Based Health Research, 12-14 June 2024, Copenhagen

The ODDS working team members attended the NordicEpi 2024 conference in Copenhagen. We met with colleagues in the field of epidemiology to exchange results and ideas and left with inspiration for future research topics and collaborations.

Postdoc Innocent Mboya, presented the ODDS study “Time Trends of the Association of Body Mass Index with Mortality in 3.5 Million Young Swedish Adults” in the parallell session Confounding and causal models, Thursday June 13th.

Postdoc Marisa da Silva, presented the ODDS study “Weight trajectories through adulthood and prostate cancer” in the parallell session Life course epidemiology, Thursday June 13th.

… and we listened to the prominent keynote speaker Prof Kenneth Rothman on how to identify epidemiological mistakes.

July 5, 2024

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European Congress of Obesity 2024

The PI of ODDS, Tanja Stocks, presented the study “Body mass index and risk of over 100 cancer forms and subtypes in 4.1 million individuals in Sweden” at this year´s European Congress of Obesity (ECO), 12-15 May in Venice, Italy. Just as last year at ECO, the ODDS study got a lot of attention in the media in connection to the congress. The present study by Ming Sun et al. that is yet to be peer-reviewed was highlighted in several international newspapers Day one media coverage ECO 2024

June 7, 2024

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The International Society for Clinical Biostatistics Conference 2023

27-31 August, Milan

ODDS Postdoc, Innocent B. Mboya, presented the poster “Time-trends of the association between body mass index and mortality in Swedish young adults” at the International Society for Clinical Biostatistics (ISCB) Conference. In addition to attending a workshop titled “Beyond Classical Epidemiological Designs” focusing on two-stage designs and case-cohort studies, Innocent took part in invited talks and presentations on statistical methods and applications related to survival analysis, longitudinal data analysis, and machine learning.

October 12, 2023

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Glöd podcast

ODDS’s principal investigator, Tanja Stocks, presents (in Swedish) our current research and the research field of register-based epidemiology in the Swedish Cancer Society’s podcast series, Glöd.

June 16, 2023

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Summer intern Josefine Andreasson

Welcome to the ODDS working team

Josefine is a Preparatory research school scholar funded by the Faculty of Medicine at Lund University and has just completed her first year of the Master’s programme in public health. The preparatory research school enable students to work with an individual research project in a research setting for two months during the summer.

Josefine will use data from the ODDS study to investigate time trends and factors associated with overweight and obesity in participants aged 17 and above. The aim is to elucidate time trends on mean BMI and prevalence of overweight and obesity between the years 1967-2020 and its association with sociodemographic and behavioral characteristics, as well as anthropometric measurements such as waist circumference. 

June 2, 2023

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European Congress on Obesity 2023

17-20 May, Dublin

ODDS’s project coordinator, postdoc Marisa da Silva, presented the first ODDS poster at the 30th European Congress on Obesity in Dublin, titled “Weight trajectories through adulthood and incident and fatal prostate cancer”. The research that is yet to be peer-reviewed was part of the conference press-release and received much attention in the media, featured in, among others, The Guardian, Times and Telegraph – The Guardian | Cancer research.

May 30, 2023

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